3.4. Invoices GROUPERS

This concept can solve very varied situations and of an easy and clear form. A grouoer is a concept that does that the physical impression of an invoice acquires a different form in accordance with the needs of the client, although ALWAYS (INTERNALLY), it remains inalterable, is more, if you repeat the invoice without the grouper it will go out printed with all the concepts initiate them.

In the example we see the AIR grouper, it will do that all the concepts that appear of ROOMS, SYSTEMS and the SERVICES of H=Room Rapel, 20=Minibar, and 55=Coffee Break groups them in the only concept calling him to the same ROOM

It is very comfortable if certain CLIENTS, AGENCIES / COMPANIES, which use the above mentioned option because they always want a certain invoice format, to say it to him in its card, so that he should always gather it for defect

There are exist three different ways of grouping :

  • Room Groupers. It groups all the concepts of a room to us according to the grouper one.
  • Add all in One. It groups all the concepts equally to the margin of the different Rooms..
  • Rooms x Days x Amount. It groups all the rooms in its different days and equal amounts. This is what is called an invoice PORXPOR