Customisation CWM – Hotel

Corresponds to the special section of Hotel B.9. Setup – CWM. If you have any doubts in the Setup sections, please consult Class One technicians because of their sensitivity.


Parameters at 2020.11

Individual Configuration. Pre-checkIn

In this section we can configure the different services and options that will be offered to the guest from the CWM Precheckin

Mapping of the different options to offer in Prechekin with services of the hotel.

Each of them must have a service partner to be available for the client at CWM and to be able to proceed to its subsequent invoicing.

(6) Late Check-out Code (Can also be configured from B.7.Default)

In addition to configuring the late checkout code, we will have to add it to the list of precheckin services in B.9. Like any other precheckin service, we can define it as a service or package, depending on the hotel’s policy. In the CWM it will therefore appear under the “Extra Services” tab. If marked as 1-Day, it will be offered to the guest only for selection on the date of the last night and once marked it will be added to the modifier for that day. If it is not marked as 1-Day it will be added to the “Services” part of the booking. Logically, once you have booked it, it cannot be booked more than once. Due to the high difficulty of controlling this service, a special booking has been added which can be accessed through option F.9, if we choose the service we have defined as late checkout. When we confirm the form of this option, a new tab will open with the late checkout booking, where we can also filter by room type and where we will see how many late checkouts we have requested for each day and if we double click on one of the days, in the table on the right we can see both the late checkouts requested and the bookings that come in that day. When a guest requests this service from the CWM, the following checks are made. If any of these checks are not fulfilled, the service is not allowed and the guest is informed that there is no availability:

  • If the reservation has the room assigned, a check is made to ensure that there is no other reservation coming in that day with the same room assigned.
  • Check that there is at least one free room on the day of departure for that room type.
  • We check that the number of late checkouts booked for that day of departure is not greater than the number of free rooms.

In the configuration, you can indicate services or one-day packages. If a package is indicated, the price will be fixed, while if a service is indicated, the price will be per night. The logical thing would be to create as many services as we have targets for upgrades. If we have for example that we can do the following upgrades: A -> B, A -> C and B -> C, it would make sense to have two services, one for “upgrade to room B” and one for “upgrade to room C”, as these services are where we can include the photos and information about the type of room. If the upgrade is confirmed, the original room type will be put as an alternative room type in the booking, and the room type will be changed to the new one. In addition, if you have been assigned a room, this assignment will be emptied. Finally, the service (or package, although the most logical is a daily service) that we have configured for that upgrade in the “Services” part of the reservation is added. A notification with a red star symbol will also be created, to make it stand out a bit from the rest of the notifications. In the CWM, this option will be displayed (if available) in a new section and if the option to choose a room is activated, a button will also be indicated in that section so that you can see the upgrades that are available.

In the configuration, you can indicate services or one-day packages. If a package is indicated, the price will be fixed, while if a service is indicated, the price will be per night. The logical thing would be to create as many services as we have targets for upgrades. For example, if we have the following upgrades: SA -> MP, AD -> MP and SA -> AD, it would be logical to have two services, one for “upgrade to AD regime” and another one for “upgrade to MP regime”, as it is in these services where we can include the photos and information about the regime. The rate indicated in the configuration is used to calculate the price of the upgrade. For example, if the upgrade is from accommodation only to half board, the price difference between the two types of accommodation, for the dates of the booking and for the occupancy, will be shown in the tariff. If there is no price difference between the two packages, the upgrade will not be offered to the guest, i.e. an upgrade with zero price will not be offered. If the upgrade is confirmed, the new regime will be included in the booking, as well as in the possible modifiers. If the booking was not marked as manual, it will be marked as manual and the rate of the “old” regime will be assigned at that moment, both in the “Price (Re)” box and in the possible special services (MEN1, MEN2, PER3, etc.). Finally, the service (or package, although the most logical is a daily service) that we have configured for that upgrade in the “Services” part of the reservation is added. A notification with a red star symbol will also be created, to make it stand out a bit from the rest of the notifications. In the CWM, this option will be displayed (if available) in a new section.

Mapping of the Extra Hotel Services that can be selected during the precheckin, which can be discounted by selecting them online.

They are added for each service:

Maximum quota per day. If 0 is indicated, the quota is not controlled. Useful for services such as parking, which has limited spaces.

1-Day. To indicate if the service is going to be offered to the guest to choose a day of the booking (between the check-in date and the day before the check-out date). It will be saved in the modifiers part of the booking.

Date from/to. In case we want to limit the availability of a service to certain dates. Both parameters are optional

Email notifications. If we want to send a small notification by email automatically when a service is contracted. Useful for services offered by external companies (excursions, etc.).

Individual Configuration Stay

Individual Configuration Hotel Information

Individual Configuration. E-mail Checkin

Individual Configuration. E-mail Stay

Individual Configuration. E-mail Check-out

Individual Configuration. Payment methods

New payment method
(Comercial Global Payments – La Caixa)

Individual Configuration. Failures

Individual Configuration. Quality Control

New cache in the connection between CWM and hotel.

In order to speed up the speed of the application, caches have been introduced in the connection between the CWM and the hotel, especially the configuration parameters. This is important to note because if we change certain parameters in the PMS (in option B.9), they will take some time to refresh. It could happen that what we have changed is reflected in the CWM instantly, so a button has been added in the admin part of the CWM (in the “Settings” option) to clear these caches.
