Smart Seven Stars - Grupo Class One

1.4. Pickup studies.

Note: Some fields appear with very low or zero values, as they are real examples during the covid-19 pandemic
1.4.1. Historical booking evolution

Direct study of the trend that has occurred on a given day and its evolution in “x” days (in the example 30 days)

1.4.2. Pick-up (Booking evolution)
We will obtain a study of the broader PickUp, it consists of three blocks:
  • Black . The expected occupation according to the reservations to the date that we make the expectation.
  • Red . The expected occupancy based on the bookings that were in last year to last year’s expectation date
  • Green . The actual occupation we have had in the past year.
By clicking on any of the previous lines we obtain the graph of said line
1.4.3. Yearly pick-up evolution

In this section we can see the evolution of a whole year, as we have said from “7” to “7” it gives us the trend (PickUp) of the behavior that is taking place on a specific day.

In those hotels that have Time Sharing this PickUp is of vital importance

In the third figure we have selected in the graph to compare the behavior of May 2018 with May 2019

1.4.5. Pickup per months
The first options are the classic occupations. In this section we can see the PickUp by other criteria ( Occupation, Pax, Productions, Average Price and Average Income ), in turn we can select to study: ( Rates, Channels, Segments, Types of Room, Regimes and Agencies )

In the figures below we see several examples with their corresponding graphs

1.4.6. Pickup at a specific date

This option is to see the previous option with all its values differently.

1.4.7. Pickup predictions

On today’s date 11/27/2020 comparing its trend with the Pickup between 11/19/2019 – 11/19/2020 and observing in the window between 01/01/2021 – 01/31/2021

The Pickup to compare as of 11/19/2018

1.4.8. Booking pace

The previous PickUp were always from the point of view of analyzing later dates, however in this option we analyze today the behavior of the PickUp of 1 day </ strong> , 3 days , 7 days , 15 days before (that’s why we call it Regressive PickUp or Booking Pace ).

As in the previous options, they can be studied by different criteria

If we move the lower bar horizontally, it will give us the PickUp values between the dates that we have indicated.

1.4.9. Grouped booking pace
It is to see the previous PickUp Grouped
Filters and Selections

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