Smart Seven Stars - Grupo Class One

FAQS – Tourist tax – How to set it up

First, the services to be associated with the tourist tax must be created. 

When creating a new reservation, the tax or taxes configured in the Setup application will be taken into account. When the client checks in, an invoice will automatically be generated with the charge or charges associated with the tourist tax and we will have the option of settling it at the time by means of a form of payment defined in the programme or leaving it pending payment.

We can also proceed to charge them as extras on the customer’s account as we will see below.

In option B.7. Setup-General, in the Tax tab, we see the Tourist Tax section where we can define up to two services, it is important to take into account that the tourist tax will be applied as long as it is configured, in case it is empty it will not be used in any way. We have:

Series: This value will be applied in accounting.

Service: Here we will assign the service we created previously in Service Master.

Mode: You can choose between 

  • Total Price
  • Price x Pax
  • Price x Day
  • Price x Pax x Day

We can have up to two different taxes configured.

We have the possibility of “Generate a charge every day”. If we check this option, it generates a daily charge as if it were a service:

Example 1 of Tourist Tax with invoice:

Example 2, configured two tourist taxes to generate daily charges:

Example 3, two tourist taxes grouped under the same concept and generating daily charges:

The invoices that are generated in the tourist tax have their own counter which must be defined in the counters tab in configuration B.7.

After having checked in the customer and having filled in the Police Card data, a popup for the Tourist Tax will appear.