Police and travelers
The different states or nations require that the guests be identified and also a list of them be sent daily. In Class One we consider that the formats can be defined by the Hotel according to the corresponding regulations.
These sections must be associated with the readings of the identification documents of each country (DNI, RG, INE Passport, …), which can be done by scanner readers, or the client may have already given their data in the CWM application.
On the other hand, it is also closely linked to the RGPD, which must include clauses in which the guest may not want their data to remain, they send them commercial information, the possibility of modifying them, …
In Class One all these documents are considered in the sections of:
- Traveler report
- Police and travelers
- Hosting Contract
- Welcome Digital
We must remember that the customer may have filled them in the Customer Web Mobile system of Class One
If you have the Part interface, the police files are sent at the same time as the checkIn
Travelers Party
Part of Travelers with Police file
Police File Management
Passenger Entry Part
It indicates those that have been made with a check in green and those that do not have a file a with a red cross b>When detecting that the country is IRL, it gives us the communities corresponding to that country
There are all the communities in the world according to NUTS or ISO regulations
It could have taken the data by Scanner
When detecting the community, it proposes the standard provinces of said Community.
There are all the standard provinces of the world according to NUTS or ISO regulations
It could have taken the data by Scanner