General Concepts
The basic data for a Hotel to start operating and without them we could not have the Hotel Configuration and the Masters. This chapter is dedicated to the Masters.
The operation is similar to all the Masters.


Lounges/Fictional rooms/Master accounts






Only the administrator user can create users

Payment Methods

There are 4 states in the types of collections which are those indicated in the section you indicate and in several reports distinguish and total them separately
- Cash (there are some hotels that even put some cards in this section)
- Credit (would be the case of AMEX and/or DINERS)
- Available Credit (usually the different credit cards)
- Invitation (in this case it would be when charges are made against direction 627….., or similar), that whenever you want to control everything, in Class One we would do it, one thing is that you are invited and another different that you control them, it is also used for home account, mail, …
And these 4 differences are made in several places mainly in the daily production (or between dates), an example (in the example you see 2 + the payments that have been made in the POS)

It is convenient to define a form of payment (Accounting Collection), leaving the account blank, in this way you give the invoice for being collected in the Hotel but it does not generate accounting movement, as it is assumed that it has been carried out by the Administration (they have sent you a cheque, a transfer, …)

Countries / Groups / States
These tables are provided by default by Smart Seven Stars

Get Community Listing

We continue selecting other countries and copy them to be added in the Excel, once finished we print the Excel

Even if you do not use foreign currency it is advisable to create them, as it can be useful for us to give you the invoice not only in the local currency but also the total equivalent in your currency

It is of vital importance that the hotels know how there deal the same ones, where there come the clients, that is to say which Channels possess.

Other Masters

More and more hotels are offering this service. As they have CWM (Client Interface), the client himself could request them from his Smartphone

By default it is provided in Smart Seven Stars
Information of the provinces with its corresponding codes so that we could do the statistics of the INE.
In the resolution of October 5, 2007 its announces the obligatory nature of the monthly mailing to the National Institute of Statistics (I.N.E). of the questionnaires of the survey of occupation in the hotel establishments.
When the traveler is native of the Spanish State, there will not be specified the code of the country, but the PROVINCE of the traveler, according to a table of codification NUTS III included one in the Annex 4 of the resolution. And so, if the traveler is native of the province of Pontevedra, instead of the country code, there will be specified the code of the province, which in this case, is the ES114.

In the countries of the EU there follows the regulation NUT 2 and NUT 3.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Holland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia and the United Kingdom)