
Tables: Average Time and Hourly Dinners Sometimes we want to know the average table occupation time and the number of guests per hour. To access them, go to D.Business Intelligence -> I.Business Intelligence -> options:                                         … Read more


D.I.4  KPI’s Dashboard       Previously we must indicate in each department the number of tables and chairs   Interval 1. In the example it gives us the comparative of 7 days 17.06.2016 to 23.06.2016 10.06.2016 to 16.06.2016 Interval .2. Same but for 30 days


5.D – Currency Changes Diary Many restaurants can encounter the problem (the customer wants to pay them in their currency). We have added a utility to carry out and control by the restaurateur these situations, in the invoice the total in the currency requested, double receipt signed for the customer-restaurant, and total compliance with the … Read more


3.4. Invoices GROUPERS This concept can solve very varied situations and of an easy and clear form. A grouoer is a concept that does that the physical impression of an invoice acquires a different form in accordance with the needs of the client, although ALWAYS (INTERNALLY), it remains inalterable, is more, if you repeat the … Read more


5.6 – Providers Payment – Extraction/Replacement of cash Cash Fund We recovered the concept of the cash desk from the restaurant application. What is the cash desk? It is the money that is permanently left in the cash desk in exchanged money. In the Cash Desk applications (CashKeeper, CashLogic, CashDrop, CashGuard, …), it would be … Read more


5.5 – Antifraud Control A fairly common problem “unfortunately” is that in which the pre-invoice is presented to the client and he decides to pay in cash. At this point the bad waiter decides that part of the cash will be kept in account, his next action is to cancel certain items on the invoice … Read more


Option G. Export/Import Tickets We can export/import tickets. Note. Please note that for the Export Tickets option, once exported they will be deleted from the database.


Opction G. Send SMS/Email With this utility we can send both SMS and Email. Please note that it has to be configured in the Backoffice B.7 option.


9.5. Second Display – Viewer OPCION .1. Opcion Window Positioner. Añadir el pluging al Google Chrome, y personificar. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/window-positioner/cjoidmhkohpfflneoadklkfkekihbjia OPCION .2. PARA WINDOWS “C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe“ www.url1.com –new-window –window-position=0,0 –kiosk –user-data-dir=c:/monitor1 “C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe”  www.url2.com –new-window –window-position=1680,0 –kiosk –user-data-dir=c:/monitor2 PARA LINUX Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable www.url1.com –new-window –window-position=0,0 –kiosk –user-data-dir=/home/jmrio/.chrome1 Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable www.url2.com –new-window –window-position=1680,0 –kiosk –user-data-dir=/home/jmrio/.chrome2 La primera … Read more